f·p·p · r·t·c·w

Enemy Territory


Większość z was zapewne korzysta z QuickChata... z jego numerycznej wersji. Duża część z was korzysta także z niektórych komand, co skraca czas pojawienia się danej wiadomości. Niektórzy używają tych komand także do spamowania, czego nie zalecam i za kazdym razem jak widze takiego spammera 'votuje' na mute/kick ;)

Aby stworzyć binda należy przed frazą w 2 kolumnie do configu wpisać bind x (gdzie x to jest dowlony klawisz), bądź bezpośrednio w konsoli (po nacisnięciu tyldy (po lewej od 1)) /bind x (gdzie x to jest dowlony klawisz). Jeżeli chcesz aby twój bind odnosił się do Team Chata musisz zamienić 'vsay' na 'vsay_team'. Powinno wyglądać to np. tak: bind x "vsay_team FireInTheHole" lub w konsoli /bind x "vsay_team FireInTheHole". Poniżej znajdują się prawdopodobnie wszystkie komendy na VoiceChat (QuickChat).

QuickChat Menu

VoiceChat Ogólny


11 - Path cleared.
12 - The enemy is weakened.
13 - All clear.
14 - Incoming!
15 - Fire in the hole!
16 - I'm defending.
17 - I'm attacking.
18 - Taking fire!
19 - Mines cleared.
10 - Enemy in disguise.

"vsay PathCleared"
"vsay EnemyWeak"
"vsay AllClear"
"vsay Incoming"
"vsay FireInTheHole"
"vsay OnDefense"
"vsay OnOffense"
"vsay TakingFire"
"vsay MinesCleared"
"vsay EnemyDisguised"


21 - Medic!
22 - I need ammo!
23 - I need backup!
24 - We need an engineer!
25 - Cover me!
26 - Hold fire!
27 - Where to?
28 - We need Covert Ops!

"vsay Medic"
"vsay NeedAmmo"
"vsay NeedBackup"
"vsay NeedEngineer"
"vsay CoverMe"
"vsay HoldFire"
"vsay WhereTo"
"vsay NeedOps"


31 - Follow me!
32 - Let's go!
33 - Move!
34 - Clear the path!
35 - Defend our objective!
36 - Disarm the dynamite!
37 - Clear the mines!
38 - Reinforce the offense!
39 - Reinforce the defense!

"vsay FollowMe"
"vsay LetsGo"
"vsay Move"
"vsay ClearPath"
"vsay DefendObjective"
"vsay DisarmDynamite"
"vsay ClearMines"
"vsay ReinforceOffense"
"vsay ReinforceDefense"


41 - Yes!
42 - No!
43 - Thanks a lot!
44 - You're welcome.
45 - Sorry!
46 - Oops!

"vsay Affirmative"
"vsay Negative"
"vsay Thanks"
"vsay Welcome"
"vsay Sorry"
"vsay Oops"


51 - Yes!
52 - No!
53 - The enemy is weakened.
54 - Hi!
55 - Bye.
56 - Great shot!
57 - Yeah!
581 - Thanks a lot!
582 - You're welcome.
583 - Oops!
584 - Sorry!
585 - Hold your fire!
586 - Good game!

"vsay Affirmative"
"vsay Negative"
"vsay EnemyWeak"
"vsay Hi"
"vsay Bye"
"vsay GreatShot"
"vsay Cheer"
"vsay Thanks"
"vsay Welcome"
"vsay Oops"
"vsay Sorry"
"vsay HoldFire"
"vsay GoodGame"


71 - Command acknowledged!
72 - Command declined!
73 - Command completed!
74 - Destroy the primary objective!
75 - Destroy the secondary objective!
76 - Destroy the construction!
77 - Construction underway!
78 - Repair the vehicle!
79 - Destroy the vehicle!
70 - Escort the vehicle!

"vsay CommandAcknowledged"
"vsay CommandDeclined"
"vsay CommandCompleted"
"vsay DestroyPrimary"
"vsay DestroySecondary"
"vsay DestroyConstruction"
"vsay ConstructionCommencing"
"vsay RepairVehicle"
"vsay DestroyVehicle"
"vsay EscortVehicle"

Fire Team Chat

Cover me!
Disarm the dynamite!
Fall back!
Soldier, covering fire!
Deploy mortar!
Heal the squad!
Heal me!
Revive team mate!
Revive me!
Destroy objective!
Repair objective!
Construct the objective!
Deploy landmines!
Disarm landmines!
Call airstrike!
Call artillery!
Call mortar barrage!
Resupply squad!
Resupply me!
Explore area!
Explore at co-ordinates!
Destroy satchel objective!
Go undercover!
Provide sniper cover!
I need a target!
Meet at waypoint!
Attack waypoint!
Defend waypoint

"vsay FTCoverMe"
"vsay FTDisarmDynamite"
"vsay FTFallBack"
"vsay FTCoveringFire"
"vsay FTMortar"
"vsay FTHealSquad"
"vsay FTHealMe"
"vsay FTReviveTeamMate"
"vsay FTReviveMe"
"vsay FTDestroyObjective"
"vsay FTRepairObjective"
"vsay FTConstructObjective"
"vsay FTDeployLandmines"
"vsay FTDisarmLandmines"
"vsay FTCallAirStrike"
"vsay FTCallArtillery"
"vsay FTMortarBarrage"
"vsay FTResupplySquad"
"vsay FTResupplyMe"
"vsay FTExploreArea"
"vsay FTExploreAtCoordinates"
"vsay FTSatchelObjective"
"vsay FTInfiltrate"
"vsay FTGoUndercover"
"vsay FTProvideSniperCover"
"vsay NeedTarget"
"vsay FTMeetWaypoint"
"vsay FTAttackWaypoint "
"vsay FTDefendWaypoint"

Aktualizacja: 01·11·2002 - 03:01

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http://fpp.pl, [email protected]

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